To say it was good fun would be an understatement and the whole thing was nicely light-hearted. Some were more prepared than others, but everyone put in a great effort especially considering that English isn't their first language. The scenario was a dangerous driving case and everyone really got into their roles:
It ended up being my class against the other class, so people seemed to be quite competitive! Unfortunately the other class won in securing the conviction, but my class did a grand job nonetheless. I'm actually a little sad that the course has come to an end. I didn't always do a great job of teaching, but I had fun trying and it's been great to be involved with something so different to what I'm used to. So much so that I'm spending a day in a Dutch secondary school at the end of February helping out in an English class, so I'm looking forward to that as well.
Today has also been momentous for another reason - I've been able to sort out my timetable for the rest of the year. Winning the moot has had the unexpected benefit of freeing up my options enormously and I've been able to drop two courses this coming semester without falling below the number of credits I need to come away with. So, after tomorrow I won't have any lectures again until the 25th April as the only course I'll be following in period three is self study. After the 25th April I'll have one lecture a week, every Wednesday, until the year finishes at the end of June. I have a paper to write for next Tuesday on the future of the European Union before I can really start the second semester, but now it's all confirmed and timetabled, I'm almost feeling that it's coming to quickly. Suddenly the 30th June doesn't feel that far away.
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