I arrived on Thursday and moved into my accommodation on Friday. It's not too bad really. There are 12 of us in a corridor, each sharing a room with another person - that's a bit odd, but it hasn't been too awkward so far. My roommate is also doing law so we'll either get on famously or, well, quite the opposite. There's a big kitchen with an oven without temperature markings (cue burnt pizza), and to my horror, there wasn't a toaster, but that's now been rectified. If anyone's curious as to where I actually, then this probably won't help, but here's a map:

I'm staying in the Kruisstraat on the right, and the Law Faculty is about 10 minutes walk away on the left, which isn't too bad considering how some people seem to be about a 15 minute car journey away or more.
I've spent a bit of time wondering around Utrecht and it seems quite nice, not dissimilar to Cambridge really, but it's bigger with smaller streets and more boutique like shops. It's strange how many things like shop signs, menus and slogans are in English, I'm quite sure that it would be easy to forget you were in a different country. So far, I can ask 'spreekt u Engels?' and little more, but I'm sure it'll come on from that. Dutch is annoyingly similar to German and I keep falling back into speaking German instead, which never seems to go down too well!
Before I left, a friend from work who used to live in Utrecht could tell me one thing about the place; it had a nice pancake restaurant. That was exactly what I wanted to hear, forget the University etc, food is all important. While I haven't sampled it yet, I have tried a Stroopwafel, which, if it's anything to go by, suggests that the pancakes will be very good indeed! Perhaps I should officially end my muffin competition and switch to waffles instead.
I shall update once more when I officially become a student of Utrecht and hopefully have something to talk about.
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