
The day the blogging died

You may (or may not) have noticed that my blog entries have dried up over the past couple of months as I've had less and less time to spend sorting things out and writing things up. Unfortunately, I'm not about to have any more free time to get things moving again, but I do have a back log of around ten entries that I have just got to add some photos too, so I'll try and get them up soonish.

After that though I fear that this blog will go into a deep sleep for the foreseeable future. I'm about to move up to London to start my new job, and I have to move into my new house and settle into a completely different way of life, so things will be busy for a while and I doubt I'll find the time to blog. But, as they say, never say never.

So, until whenever, thanks for reading :).

1 comment:

Annie said...

Poor blog. It's been a great read, so keep it going when you can! Enjoy london :)