
Fitting it all in

Today I made a mistake, well, no actually it wasn't a mistake, but I didn't expect to do it nonetheless. When I first realised that my rent was due to run out on the 15th July, but that my courses would end around the 30th June, I set about planning what to do in those two weeks and came up with quite a thought out plan to travel around Scandinavia. However, when I moved room in January I changed the end date of my rental to the 30th June, which scotched the plan - although I've still got the map I sketched out as a reminder of what might have been.

Anyway, I've hit upon the possibly slightly unwise policy of trying to get all of my work for the year done by the 16th June - the date I come back to the the UK for a week to visit Bath and Cambridge. This means that I'll be back in Cambridge one with the other people who've finished, but it also means that I've a rather hectic couple of weeks coming up writing my paper and getting ready for my oral exam. The upshot though is that, should I succeed, I'll have a week here at the end of June with nothing scheduled.

I'd had a few thoughts on what to do in that week, but today, out of curiosity I popped into the ticket office at the train station to find out how much a trip to Copenhagen would be. The idea being that if I couldn't do the whole of Scandinavia, I could do a little bit of it instead. I hadn't intended to buy anything - especially seeing how I haven't even confirmed that I can get all of my work done before going back to Cambridge - but, of course, I did end up buying a ticket. The lady assured me that it was a 'special price' and that it wouldn't be around for long. The fact that I get to travel on one of those fancy German trains secured the deal, so I'm now off to Copenhagen for three days the day after I get back from Cambridge, which rather puts paid to Berlin being my last trip.

It also means that I really had better get on with getting all of my work done, else I might well be taking a laptop and a few books to Cambridge and Copenhagen, which won't be that much fun. But that's not going to stop me from going to watch the Apprentice now.

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