After a landing that I'd rather forget and a Christmas holiday that I'd rather not, I'm now back in residence in Utrecht, and everything is much as I left it two weeks ago. I now have an Internet connection again, although seeing how I had to guess an IP number to get it work, I'm not holding out much hope of it lasting for any length of time. Unfortunately work started right away with a three-hour meeting regarding my moot this morning, and I've got to get my lesson plans finalised for the 'English Legal Reasoning' course that I'm teaching this month. I'm going to have to get used to having lectures again as well after not having had any since November. All in all I think it's going to be a rather hectic January.
But it's not all work. I'm hopefully going to manage to meet up with the people from Cambridge on the Leiden exchange in the coming week, I may return to The Hague (albeit for work reasons), I have a dinner party invite for this weekend as well and I'll be back at Selwyn around the 19th and 20th of February. I've also returned equipped with a mental list of the places that I'd like to have been and some things I'd like to have done before I leave for good in July, so that's giving me something to aim for.
So it's now 2007 and everyone is in the habit of making New Years Resolutions. I've never gone a bundle on making my own, but in light of the above, this year, I fully intend to seize the day. Everyday. I don't want to look back and wish I'd done something I didn't, and I look forward to letting you know the outcome.
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