
Prolonging the Blackout

I woke up this morning and was mildly perturbed when the lights didn't turn on. I was then even more intrigued when the corridor was in pitch darkness. As I hadn't woken up properly I thought that maybe I'd got up in the middle of the night, until it dawned that we were in fact in the middle of a power cut. What fun.

Only it wasn't any normal power cut. Thankfully the kitchen seemed to still be electrified, or at least the appliances were. Laura and Emma had one socket that still worked, Javi and Amadeo's room was unaffected while mine was dead in all respects. That's one highly targetted power cut. Common consensus was that a fuse had blown somewhere, but I didn't think our keys opened the fuse box, so one call to the 'Emergency Callout' number later and an electrician arrived only to need my key to open the fusebox after all!

After getting our electricity back I noticed that the BBC is reporting that the whole of western Europe is apparently suffering similar problems as a few people in Germany got a bit cold. So here's hoping that they fix that slight problem before Winter starts in earnest.

So, the moral of the story being that after 9 hours basking in the darkness we could have fixed it ourselves, a point not lost on Javi who pointed out that it was me who said our keys didn't open the fusebox. Ah, yes, he might have a point there. Time to make myself a bit inconspicuous I think.

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