
Bus Lanes

I have finally been caught out by Utrecht's mass system of interconnected bus, cycle and car lanes. While riding back with Javi and Amadeo from doing some food shopping in Utrecht's Turkish neighbourhood we were innocently trying to fathom out the junction, when Javi started shouting something in Spanish. I turned around to see what it was and was confronted with the sight of a double-bendy bus bearing down on him. Unfortunately, the said bus lane was an underpass and was about one centimetre wider than the bus itself, so in short, it wasn't going anywhere without getting us first.

In a rather Indiana Jones 'boulder in the mine' type of way we, while frantically jabbering about the fact that there was a bus barrelling along behind us, peddled like we'd never peddled before finally being able to pull in and get out of its way. All that was missing was some suitably dramatic music supporting the 'will they, wont they' feeling.

So it appears that I got sightly over confident of the road junctions here, I've apparently not quite adapted to the whole bikes/cars/buses/pedestrians conflict and the fact that it all takes places on the right! Just wish I had a video camera - now that would have gone up on YouTube!

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