

So, it's 9:35 in the morning and I'm at 'work', but there's no work to be done. I should get some in an hour, and then we might pop down to the Federal Courts to see some justice American style.

What to do in the meantime? Write on my blog of course. What to write about? Muffins, less of course. Those who know me may well know that I have a thing about a good muffin. The Jack award for best muffin so far goes to, of all places, the Imperial War Museum in London for their Blueberry and Yoghurt muffin. However, America is the birthplace of the sweet muffin, and so it's now facing some stiff competition. I'd long been interested in running a sort of muffin face-off, so here's my chance. I intend to keep you all updated with my quest to better my best muffin. Which also, if I needed it, gives me a nice excuse to indulge - all for your reading pleasure of course.

1 comment:

Stu said...

Justice American style? Presumably that's like ordinary justice, but with fries and thrice the calories?

Glad to hear that you seem to be having a good time in Chicago! I shall follow the results of your Muffin Championship of the World with great interest, although I'm slightly disappointed that you're only testing for taste and not for other attributes such as usefulness as a blunt instrument or aerodynamic efficiency. But I suppose one man can't do everything!

Thanks also for inspiring me to get off my arse and actually write something in my blog. Come to think of it, I'm still on my arse as I write. But I'm on my arse productively :)