While undertaking a little Blog pruning, I discovered this draft entry that I wrote back in April and never published. So here it is, rather belatedly, as a little throwback to those good times in Utrecht.
Shortcuts are curious things. Usually I like to think that I have quite a good sense of direction, but there's one route here that is still alluding me. I have just returned from a trip to Lidl. I remain convinced that there is a quicker way to get there than the one I usually take, but I'd gotten lost once trying to find it, and perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised when the same happened today. I got the feeling that things weren't right quite quickly this time, and knew that things weren't right when I began to cycle alongside fields and detached houses. Things got worse when I went past one of those 'Utrecht thanks you for your visit' signs, and the road signs starting pointing to Maarssen (about 10kms north) and, rather more ominously, Amsterdam (more like 45kms north). I still intend to cycle to Amsterdam one day, but I didn't intend to do it today when all I wanted was to buy some juice and vegetables in Lidls.
I ended up just cycling trying to guestimate based on the sun as to where Utrecht had disappeared to. I did though find a nice woodland path which I've no hope of ever coming across again. Eventually I unexpectedly found a different Lidl which I didn't even know existed, before passing past the one I originally set out for on my (again guessed) way back.
Perhaps I don't really know this place at all - but my mushrooms had better be good!
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