Today I started the fourth and final quarter, which means I've only 8 weeks left of courses here. However, on Friday things stop again as Utrecht belatedly starts its 'Easter' holiday. It's all slightly reminiscent of the odd thing where you'd go back to school on a Thursday after the Summer holiday, so just as you got started, you stopped again. I have to ask why?
It also means that at the time most people are revising for exams, I'm only just starting to learn a whole new set of courses. So, not that much different to revision then, just a little more honest! It was perhaps fitting that today was also the day that I brought down the curtain on my Epic Mooting Course. I had my final meeting with the Professor today and was awarded my grade. But alas, as with all such things, I'm wondering whether it'll ever actually end as we've now got to write a report to the people sponsoring our team, convincing them that it's worth them releasing the sponsorship money to the University. How convenient that they didn't tell us this before!
Both of my courses this period concern US law, and I'm taking 'The Role of the Supreme Court in American Law' which looks like it has the potential to be lively seeing as it's based around us re-arguing cases each class. My other course is the slightly drier 'US Constitutional Law', the primary draw of which was the fact that it's a self study course culminating in an oral exam. Great. Or it would be if I could convince myself that getting my 'self' to 'study' would be a wise course of action. The fact that it's averaging about 26C at the moment is certainly not helping matters. Nor is the fact that the class I had today is held in an non-air conditioned room, I'll have to try and find an unenumerated right in the US Constitution to air-conditioning - it must be in there somewhere.
A few days ago I came across a list I made before I came to Utrecht listing a few of the things that I wanted to get done before I finished. Out of 15, I think I've done around 6, which leaves me quite a lot to do! 60% of things in 25% of the time in fact. Better get on with it!
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