
The last lie in

I really should be working on my endless moot rather than writing this, but I figure it's good to take a break sometimes. A thought struck me on the way back from town this morning - not in the life changing, eureka sense of the word though. Today was the last lie in that I'm going to enjoy in Utrecht in 2006. This has come round very quickly. When I arrived things seemed like an endless series of lazy mornings, but now I have an 08:30 meeting tomorrow, then a 09:00 train to Paris the next. I shall be back prior to going to Cologne, but I have to catch a 07:00 train to get to Cologne, and when I get back from there I'll have to get up early to pack my bags before flying home for Christmas on the 21st.

I suppose it's nice that my biggest concern at the moment relates to my sleeping patterns, but had I realised all of this while I was still in bed this morning then I might have made more of today's lie in. Alas, role on 2007 I guess!

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