Unfortunately I'm feeling a little 'bah humbug' about all of this. Perhaps it's partly to do with being at University while it's all going on, but I mean, it's still the middle of November. Yes, it's getting colder and the nights are drawing in, and it is starting to feel like winter, but it's not starting to feel like Christmas. I guess I'm partly comparing it to the Sinterklaas ceremony in Utrecht last year as well, which was miles ahead of what went on today. People just aren't in the Christmas mood at the moment, and won't be until at least December. I'm sure that if the lights went on in December, no-one would complain that it was too late, and people would be much more into the spirit of things at the time. I just feel sorry for the parents who have to tide their children over until the real Christmas.
Last night though was an altogether different affair with the annual Law Ball. It's the first time that I've been to one and hence I had no idea of what to expect. I've got a rather love-hate relationship with Balls. The SnowBall in the first-year put me off the very idea for quite a while, Sidney May Ball in the second-year was good but nothing that special, while Downing May Ball last year was a really lovely evening. So I shacked up with the other Selwyn lawyers for a 'night of sin' that was really anything but sinful. Personally I just wanted the opportunity to wear a tuxedo for the first time this term and spend 40 minutes cursing in front of my mirror trying to tie up my bowtie.
It was a nice evening, but I think I'm going to have to (a) learn to dance, and (b) drink alcohol to really appreciate such things. But more than anything it's about the people you go with, and that's something that I really learned to appreciate last year when I was travelling around. You can do something on your own and hate it, then do it with others, and love it. People can make the world of difference.