
An Officer and a Gentleman

Blogging isn't one of my specialities any more. Gone are the days of updates on what I bought in the shops. Gone are updates of practically any sort in fact. But once in a while something comes along that seems worthy of an entry, and yesterday evening was a perfect example.

Nathan, a friend I've known since the days of primary school, passed out from Sandhurst yesterday after nine-months of training, and even longer preparation. I can't pretend to understand or appreciate the effort that must have taken, but what I do appreciate is how well deserved it was.

At midnight last night he became an officer in the Army, and it was great having the opportunity to be there. Nathan, if it weren't so corny, I'd say I salute you.

Of course, the day wouldn't have been complete without an exploding tyre, me and Jon consequently missing the first three hours of the Commissioning Ball, closed motorways on the way back, getting lost in Frimley at 02:00, and my bumping into Maddy from Selwyn.

As starts to an Easter weekend go, this certainly ranks up there.